Feel better, sleep better, enjoy life more, have more energy, and lose weight easily. Hormones can affect every aspect of your life

Dr. Harter is considered the “hormone guru” among her patients. She’s spent the last twenty years perfecting the art of balancing women (and men) from the inside out. Prior to going virtual, her brick and mortar practice in Santa Barbara, California put her name on the map as the leading naturopathic physician focused on Women’s Wellness.

Finally, get a deep-level picture of your health and discover any hidden imbalances that most conventional tests will overlook.

Course benefits…

You’ll learn why cortisol and insulin actually are more important that the actual sex hormones in keeping them balanced

·Why good digestion (and nutrition) matters in your hormone production

·What your main sex hormones really do in your body (and how to tell if they are out of whack)

Learn what your hormones are doing during the entire month and why you feel bad some days and great others

Become an expert in what to do if your hormones are out of balance

Functional Tests & Biomarkers

Included in the course, you will check key biomarkers linked to hormone health, stress response, thyroid function, and metabolic function.





TSH: thyroid stimulating hormone

Free T3

Free T4

Diurnal cortisol

Fasting glucose

CBC: complete blood count

CMP: comprehensive metabolic panel

Add-On Tests

Want to go even deeper?

We’ve researched extensively and gathered the best functional and conventional labs to take an even closer look

You will get access to our advanced testing and ability to order all of our additonal recommendations.