Get your energy back and feel better than ever with our comprehensive root-cause focused methods.

Dr. Harter has spent the last twenty years in clinical practice and the number one complaint she always gets is lack of energy from her patients. Learn what she’s uncovered to successfully bring their energy back.

Finally, get a deep-level picture of your health and discover any hidden imbalances that most conventional tests will overlook.

Course benefits…

Learn how to create all the energy you need to accomplish everything you want each day

Gain knowledge of how your stress is making you tired

Know which hormones to balance and how for optimal energy

Find the foods that give you your best energy

Learn how changing your mindset will help your energy

Functional Tests & Biomarkers

Included in the course, you will key biomarkers linked to mitochondrial health and energy including hormones, thyroid, blood markers, and metabolic markers.




DHEA: dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate

TSH: Thyroid stimulating hormone

Free T3: free triiodothyroinine

Free T4: free thyroxine

Fasting Insulin



High sensitivity CRP

Diurnal cortisol

Fasting glucose

CBC: complete blood count

Add-On Tests

Want to go even deeper?

We’ve researched extensively and gathered the best functional and conventional labs to take an even closer look

You will get access to our advanced testing and ability to order all of our recommendations.